2023 Synergy's 10th Year Anniversary!!!

2023 marks the 10 th ANNIVERSARY for Synergy Gardens as a Market Garden. To recap 2022, briefly: Synergy Gardens celebrated LOVE in the air. Our farmer Kelli announced her engagement and our interns fell in love with harvesting carrots and garlic to name a few. Amidst a very wet chilly summer we finished the season with happy CSA customers, we sold out of produce on Saturdays at the Homer Farmers Market even thought our cold and damp weather led to some crop quantity challenges, but we successfully expanded our fall root share. We feel ready to bring the best on for 2023. We are extremely grateful to the local Homer community for being into local produce.

During the dark winter months, Wayne and Lori consulted at Quercus Farms and had some agricultural Adventures south of Atlanta sharing season extension techniques, harvest practices, and organic pest control methods. Obadiah worked and wintered in Homer caring for the farm, poultry flock, and the farm pups- Lilu and Panda. This years Garlic roots are eagerly pushing through cold soils as you read this. With careful attention to our soil health on the farm and good agricultural practices we look forward to another season growing the most healthy and nutritious food possible. That is the gardeners focus every spring. No matter how many years we have produced our gardens, each spring season and each sunny day holds the energy of life.