In 2012 we purchased five acres of recovering beetle-killed forest east of Homer, Alaska. The once old-growth Lutz Spruce forest was a landscape dominated by 200+ year old stumps and blue-joint grass. In stages and with the volunteer help of dozens of local friends, we cleared, shaped, and prepared the land, built raised beds and constructed high tunnels. All while growing vegetables, trialing garlic varieties, beginning the Alaska Garlic Project, and marketing an increasing variety and amount of delicious food for our local markets.
ak garlic project
Synergy has embraced our love of Garlic and now have a garlic crop that previously we could have only dreamed of. We sell Garlic as seed for other gardeners, edible decorative braids for the kitchen wall, and as individual bulbs for chefs and Garlic connoisseurs.
Lori has been growing garlic for over 30 years. The Alaska Garlic project has blossomed into a huge part of Synergy Gardens. As our largest crop on our farm, Lori’s passion for determining the best garlic suited for our Alaska climate and soils led to trialing over a dozen cold hardy varieties from around the world. Our selections for best flavor, robustness, medicinal health and storage facilitate success for growing garlic acclimatized to Alaska conditions. We sell garlic as seed for gardeners and farmers as well as culinary garlic for chefs and cooks. We also hand-craft beautiful edible garlic braids; not just to admire but to harvest as needed in your own kitchen.
Seasonal Synergy
We are always experimenting with new crops and growing techniques while expanding upon our favorite fruits and vegetables. Once we learn of something that grows well on our farm, such as asparagus, garlic, cherries, currants and sugar snap peas and find a hunger in the community, we increase our production to meet the demand while trying to improve our flavor, nutritional value, and sustainability of these crops. The list of things we dream of growing is even longer than the list of things we are growing.
Many Hands old and young make Synergy Gardens what it is today.
Farming and the next Generation
Local communities like Homer thrive on their creativity, their ingenuity, and their future generations. Synergy Gardens incorporates opportunities to involve all generations in the creative arts and education associated with growing, preparing, enjoying, and consuming fine food.