Synergy Spring Update 2022
By March 2020, as Covid 19 gripped communities everywhere, we could see the writing on the wall; though dimly, which led to questions. Could local restaurants open? How about the Homer Farmers Market? Our CSA in 2019 had 15 shareholders, hardly enough. We considered three scenarios. Close down and be “safe”, guess at what production we could sell and take a middle path or, go big and grow as much as possible and trust we could sell it all. Considering Lori’s sales acumen, the impressive past support of our farm from the Homer community, 2020 being Wayne’s first full-time year on the farm and the likelihood we would go stir-crazy if we did not grow food, the decision seemed obvious. Go big and work hard! With so many uncertainties in our markets we choose to concentrate on increasing our CSA support, growing weekly share-holders to 25. We are so grateful for our many new customers interest in our produce and their patience as we worked through the kinks and challenges of expansion and during a pandemic! We ended the 2020 season with 45 happy CSA folks! Lastly, the Farmers Market Board and staff adapted swiftly and firmly to this new-circumstance to keep sellers and buyers safe and our Homer community stepped up to support their local farmers!
Out two interns bailed from Chicago, and after self-quarantining, they came ready, strong and eager to learn, assist, and harvest. We shared a fun, great, intense season with awesome weather. After their season with us, Jessi and Phil went on to marry and are starring in Ace Hardware mini Youtube video series, Making Our Roots.
We got through the weirdest and likely most dangerous farming year we’ve ever seen and we did it by farming in an engaged, caring community. And maybe that’s one of the many lessons, the silver lining in the dark cloud of 2020. A local lesson. A global lesson. The best way through tough times is together.
As we move into the 2021 growing season, the seeds have arrived and the earliest starts are under lights in our south facing windows. Crop plans are in the works, intern interviews (now taking place on Zoom) are underway and our sap is certainly rising as the days lengthen. The challenges of Covid are still with us at this writing and markets are still somewhat uncertain. This year we hope to grow the CSA again, and be ready for expanded Farmers Market and Alaska Food Hub sales. We are checking in with our restaurants, bless them as they continue to struggle through all this. Our work-trade crew is coming together and we are looking forward to the best season ever!